How to Use a Shield to Kill a Beast

For my senior project, our group had been having some issues thinking of creative ways to use a shield. As such, I was assigned with figuring out some puzzle mechanics that could be worked around with access to a decent sized shield. The shields only functions are to block in the direction of the player and to let the player slide along the ground.

Here’s what I came up with so far:

  1. Directional Blocking: Fairly straightforward. The shield would block an incoming object, causing it to bounce off at a specific angle from the shield. This object could be some part of a larger puzzle such as a boulder, or something dangerous like one of our creatures.
  2. Plugging Up Stuff: Again, just as it says on the tin. Say there’s some kind of stem shooting out of the wall. The shield would allow the player to press their body against the hole and plug it with greater force and without burning themselves. This could, in turn, lead to even more steam based action as the steam tries to find another way out.
  3. Sliding On Dangerous Terrain: Such as off a cliff or through a dangerous substance.
  4. Riding On Dangerous Terrain: Put together 2 and 3, get launched up by some kind of eruption and survive.
  5. Making A Quick Escape: imagine you trigger a set of events that wind you up on a large sloped pillar of stone and that stone starts to fall apart. Well, now you’re going to have to slide down, because running isn’t going to work.

Rather than a tool solely for puzzle solving, the shield is much more multipurpose and heightens the action of the game while providing a bit more puzzle depth.

Making Puzzles Out of Rocks

So I’ve started on my Senior Project now. Ours is a 3D puzzle game a la Legend of Zelda, with less of a combat focus.

Oh, that sounds totally original.

We’re trying to make it more unique through our focus on utilizing the environment as a means of both traversing the levels and surviving the creatures of the world.

I guess that doesn’t sound too bad. Could have some interesting puzzle ideas then.

That’s part of the problem I’ve been having honestly. Our world is a desert environment, so most of our levels will either be deserts or caves.

Aye, and you know what kind of diverse tools those environments give for puzzles?

Rocks and dirt and sand. Not really the most exciting options.

It’s also not the best option for varied puzzle uses. Rock and stone really only has 2 good uses: structures to walk/run/jump on, and the ability to crush/press on things. From that, I’ve been tasked with helping to find out what kind of puzzles we can set up.

They also have to be things that can be reset while still seeming natural. Nothing sucks more than when you have to reset a game cause you messed up a puzzle and can’t progress anymore.

To that end, I’ve come up with two ideas so far. One is a sensitive fault line that could shift the terrain violently when affected.

The other is a kind of planetary zit. the ground builds up in a spot, and when poked it erupts and sends rocks flying out.

It’s really hard trying to work with limited materials like this, but I think we’ll get by.

The cavemen were able to do it, so you’ll at least have half a chance.