Spooky Spawner – Final Update


Thought I’d give one last update on the unity project I had been working on for that class. As you can see above, it’s quite spooky. The reason all the models are so simple is because everything that is spawned (as in, not the background or tombstones) are procedurally generated. even the animations and particles have code affecting the way they show up.

Spooky Soundboard Update

I handed in my Halloween Unity assignment thing.

I’m sure that went wonderfully.

Well… It wasn’t really a soundboard in the end. I really just barely hit the criteria as I had a program with a small room where you could click to spawn pumpkins, skulls or bats, then press a button and have them animate with sound.

That doesn’t sound too bad really.

Eh, there were some that were much better though. Anyways, this weeks assignment is to expand on that project with particle systems.

… Oh don’t tell me.

I’M GONNA TEAR DOWN THOSE WALLS AND MAKE A HUGE HALLOWEEN-Y SCENE! With bat sims in the distance and fire for the pumpkins and everything.

Can’t wait to see how badly this one crashes.

Spooky Soundboard

So, I got a new assignment today in my Unity class. Specifically, we need to make a scene where at least three proceduraly generated meshes can be placed by the player and then animated similarly by the player.

Sounds boring. Let me guess, you’ve got some crazy idea.

Yes, yes I do. In honor of Halloween, I’m gonna make some singing pumpkins and bats. Or at least, I’ll try to. Rather, the player will be able to spawn them with a button press, then by hitting different buttons, they’ll make the spooky objects move differently and make different sounds.

So your game will be a Halloween orchestra?

Basically. The tricky part will be changing the animations and sounds when clicked and trying to make a sense of harmony with them, rather than the same sound just playing over itself.

Sounds like fun. Enjoy all the Google you’ll have to pour through for all that.

I’m not that great a programmer… I have to use what I can find.